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      您現在所在位置:首頁 > 產品展示 > RFID電子標簽設備


      • 產品詳情
      • 產品參數
      • 應用環境

      1. 本設備適合卷裝 RFID標簽的檢測;
      2. 檢測對象:干inlay,濕inlay,成品電子標簽;
      3. 檢測芯片讀寫距離是否合格;
      4. 對芯片進行讀寫性能檢測,數量統計,復卷;
      5. 可多道同時檢測;
      6. 兼容打印機接口,對不良品進行噴碼標記;
      7. 條碼掃描器功能,實現條碼印刷和EPC數據的一致性;
      8. 具有材料糾偏功能,保持走料及收卷不偏移;
      9. 兼容卷料最大直徑:400mm;
      10. 適應寬幅:30-200mm。

      A. The composite of wet inlay and die-cut adhesive can be realized

      B. Can achieve the wet inlay and roll adhesive label pair

      C. With the function of reusing the adhesive label and separation paper

      D. The whole machine has an electrostatic removal device to ensure that the electrostatic index of the equipment is below 0.2KV

      E. ± 0.5mm and the equipment production speed is 120 pcs / minute

      f.inlay minimum charge width 10mm 120mm, minimum length 10mm 100mm

      The maximum discharge width of g-face paper is 200mm

      H. Double correction function ensures the left and right deviation error of the material ±. 01mm

      I. The distance marking function can periodically select the label to be labeled

      J. Standard head with round knife chase mark cross break function

      1. 本設備適合卷裝 RFID標簽的檢測;
      2. 檢測對象:干inlay,濕inlay,成品電子標簽;
      3. 檢測芯片讀寫距離是否合格;
      4. 對芯片進行讀寫性能檢測,數量統計,復卷;
      5. 可多道同時檢測;
      6. 兼容打印機接口,對不良品進行噴碼標記;
      7. 條碼掃描器功能,實現條碼印刷和EPC數據的一致性;
      8. 具有材料糾偏功能,保持走料及收卷不偏移;
      9. 兼容卷料最大直徑:400mm;
      10. 適應寬幅:30-200mm。

      A. The composite of wet inlay and die-cut adhesive can be realized

      B. Can achieve the wet inlay and roll adhesive label pair

      C. With the function of reusing the adhesive label and separation paper

      D. The whole machine has an electrostatic removal device to ensure that the electrostatic index of the equipment is below 0.2KV

      E. ± 0.5mm and the equipment production speed is 120 pcs / minute

      f.inlay minimum charge width 10mm 120mm, minimum length 10mm 100mm

      The maximum discharge width of g-face paper is 200mm

      H. Double correction function ensures the left and right deviation error of the material ±. 01mm

      I. The distance marking function can periodically select the label to be labeled

      J. Standard head with round knife chase mark cross break function

      地址:深圳市光明新區匯業路8號匯業科技園1A棟1樓 電話:0755-29948953
      版權所有?2016-2018 深圳市傳麒智能電子機械有限責任公司 粵ICP備16088780號
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